Monthly Archives: June 2014

Book Review: Riley Mae and the Rock Shocker Trek

It’s Time for a Mom and Kid Duo Review:_225_350_Book.1106.cover
My 9 year old and I just finished reading the first book in the Faithgirlz series, called Riley Mae and the Rock Shocker Trek.  This series was written by Jill Osbourne and chronicles the adventures of a 7th grader named Riley Mae.  The book is about the ups and downs of being the new spokesperson for a line of flashy athletic girl shoes.  Riley Mae learns that the excitement and glamour also comes with a lot of commitment that takes her away from the things that she enjoys doing, and causes her friendships to be affected as well.  As a Christian, she feels the conflict of being part of a glamour world and watching the disappointments of those who struggle with not having money and nice things.  Her Christian values prevail, and she clings to the desire to care for and reach out to others.

Ansley ( age 9) shared her thoughts about the book, and she had many favorite parts. A mix of humor, adventure, and mystery were reflected in her choices.  She could relate well to Riley Mae as they both liked the outdoors, sports, etc but also girly, glitzy things to wear, such as the shoes in the shoe line Riley Mae represented.  She liked that Riley Mae was a Christian girl who was kind and considerate to others, and didn’t pick her friends based on “being popular”.

In my opinion, the author did well with capturing story aspects that would appeal to a pre-teen/young teen  market.  As a chapter book, this book often has incentive to keep reading to find out what’s going to happen next.  The entire book also ends with some things not getting closure and promise of more continued adventure in the next book of the series.


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the® <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

Summer: Boost Reading Skills and Christian Growth

Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

School is out, and summer is here. 4595018_s If you have children, you know that they look forward to a much-needed break from the classroom and very intense learning and studying.  But, just because summer is here, doesn’t mean they should abandon the books.  There are many studies that show children fall behind in reading skills, and other academic skills when they don’t continue summer reading.  Young children, however, need more than just having access to  books.  They need guidance to make sure that they the books are age appropriate and they are developing comprehension skills as well.   The best way to develop comprehension is to ask questions, and that’s where parental involvement is so vital.  If you are also wanting to build spiritual understanding and growth, then reading with your children during the summer can incorporate biblical teaching as well, and this can be a great bonding time.  
This summer, my soon to be 10 year old is at that age where she really enjoys reading together and wants to be asked questions.  

For the summer, we have chosen 2 reading projects.
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Overcoming the Voice of Discouragement

Have you been listening to a voice of discouragement? 11882514_s Has that voice caused you to have doubts, fears, or worries that you didn’t have before? Has that voice dampened your enthusiasm and clarity of purpose?  Has that voice distracted you from hearing God’s voice speaking in your life?

I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.-Psalm 16:8

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