
Welcome to my site.  Browse the book reviews and explore my views and comments on life. 

Please feel free to leave me some comments and food for thought as well.

Hope you visit and revisit often. 

And remember:

WE ALL HAVE TO LIVE LIFE……..WE SHOULD BE GRATEFUL AND LUV’N IT!                                                                                                                                    

My name is Elizabeth, but I am called Becky in the everyday hum and drum of my life. ( Some of my earlier posts are signed Lizzie as a shortened version of Elizabeth. )   I am a physical therapist with a passion for helping people restore their bodies and their quality of life.  I am married with 2 daughters, ages 21 and 11.  We have 2 animals, Roxie ( a rescued Border Collie), and Pickles, a sweet natured Maine Coon.  

I believe our home should be a haven, a  place of refuge from all the hustle, bustle and stress that can permeate our days. I recently moved to NC, near the beauty of the Smoky Mountains.   I love animals, art, fitness, shooting, and music.  I love a good book that takes me to another place or inspires me for enjoying life here on Earth.  Most of all though, I love growing in my walk with God.
My Family:11811578_10153171890279531_8514090847234733721_n

Easter 2011 H65919_136901603184907_1925024362_n

  1. Roxanne is a cutie. Rescued dogs are very protective as they know who saved them. She looks very intelligent.

  2. Becky, reading your bio makes me want to move back there 🙂
    Of course, the memories of our childhood are so sweet to me. I am so thankful I got to experience the joy and innocence of southern country Georgia as a child, back when life was simple.

  3. Hi,

    I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much of a blessing your website has been to me. I am a homeschooling mom with four youngsters. Each semester, I sit down and create a character trait study for each week of the semester. I link them to scripture as well as one of Aesop’s fables (as often as I can…not all of the character traits have a corresponding fable).

    This takes a lot of time and much scouring of the internet. But your website has made it so much easier.

    Thank-you for your Character Series resource! It is much appreciated!

Would graciously luv to hear from you.