Daily Archives: July 11, 2014

Where I End and You Begin

“You need boundaries…even in our material creations, boundaries mark the most beautiful of places, between the ocean and the shore, between the mountains and the plains, where the canyon meets the river.” 
― Wm. Paul YoungCross Roads


There’s a place where I end and you begin.
It’s called a boundary.29034145_s
This place defines who you are.
Separate from me.
It protects your thoughts, and ideals
Your own vision to see.
It lets you choose the path you walk
Your own guide to be.
If I push and prod my way
Across this boundary,
You cease to be uniquely you.
In fact, you become me.

I wrote the poem above  to reflect  a simple but important concept….that boundaries are essential to a healthy relationship.  Without boundaries…dysfunction and heartache thrive.  Please join me in a series on boundaries. Read the rest of this entry